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YOU can make such a difference in a child's life!


$35 pays for a child's school fees for ONE YEAR if they are in Primary School (age 6-11).

$50 pays for a child's school fees for ONE YEAR if they are in Secondary School (age 12-18)

Just think


The price of a couple dinners out in a Western country or 2 weeks of morning coffee at your local cafe can fundamentally change the course of a child's life!


Every Donation helps regardless of the amount! 

There are other needs too!


$30 School Books - Help multiple children at once for an entire year! Books are usually shared by many students at one time and are VERY expensive.

$15 Pens-Paper - A child can buy writing material to complete homework assignments each day because of your donation!

$10 Book Bag - A child can carry books to school easily because of your ten dollars!

$8 School Shoes - Children will sometimes share shoes to attend school, but you can buy them a pair!

EVERY little bit helps

And a little bit goes a LONG way

We encourage you to consider a single donation or the consistent support of one child's education, all based on your ability to give!


Whether you contribute $50, covering an entire academic year, or $10 to buy much needed text books, your money directly supports the economy of this community. You will know the name of the child you are sponsoring and how your generosity impacts his or her life.


Members of the Ave Maria Help for the Needy Association's Board of Directors in Cameroon

How is your donation managed?

The process for children who wish to receive funding involves the following:


  • A written application

  • Several interviews with the parents or guardian

  • An assessment of the student's motivation. The Association sponsors children who demonstrate academic drive and commitment.

The approved school fees are given directly to the school at the beginning of each academic term.


Children can also receive sponsorship for text books and school uniforms.

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Regular follow up

Members of the Association routinely investigate how the child is doing in school, communicating with teachers and parents to complete progress reports and monitor academic success.

The financial secretary with the college administration of GTHS Jakiri with beneficiaries defining roles and responsibilities before paying fees.


We are happy to provide a variety of documentation upon your request!


Here are some of the options available for all donors:

  • Video chat with the sponsored child

  • Letters of receipt from the school the sponsored child attends

  • Personalized letter from the sponsored child

  • Documentation of donation receipt

  • Virtual tour of Library

Important information for donors

Heart of Mary Ministries - 501c3 Corporation

​​Call us:


Mailing Address:

226 Oak Heights Road, Front Royal, Virginia 22630

Contributions are tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) © 2019

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