Heart of Mary Ministries was founded in 2017 as a sister organization to the Cameroonian NGO 'Ave Maria Help for the Needy' Association.
In 2017, President of the Board Helen Snyder worked in Cameroon at a Human Rights office in Kumbo, Northwestern Region. She met and became friends with the founder of the Ave Maria Association, Lukong Isidore, through her work with the Justice & Peace Commission in Kumbo, which has received international recognition for their efforts against human trafficking and rights violations.
Through this work, Helen witnessed the many injustices that people from impoverished backgrounds can suffer in Cameroon. Instances of mob justice, human trafficking, indentured servitude, and gender-based violence are common. The fight to eradicate inequality is facilitated through the education of society's most vulnerable.
Click HERE to learn more about the current situation in Cameroon

We at Heart of Mary Ministries are devoted to raising awareness and fundraising in support of the Ave Maria Association in Cameroon. We are a legally incorporated Nonprofit with 501 (c)(3) status.
At this time, we work to raise money that is sent to the Ave Maria Association twice yearly, at the beginning of each school semester. We believe that the Ave Maria Association, as a grassroots NGO, employs people who possess direct insight on how to best meet the fundamental needs of their neighbor. We are proud to assist them in their passionate support for children who come from impoverished situations and cannot afford schooling.
By helping these children receive an education, YOU can effect immeasurable positive change in their lives. Knowledge gives children the power to seek better jobs, the confidence to pursue a higher degree, and the ability to become leaders in their communities.
Children also learn the necessary skills to combat human rights violations and improve the social structures into which they were born. The importance of education can never be overstated.